The Food

Food is my passion; it always has been. I see the food options for the café as an integral part of its USP. We will have a big focus on ingredients, showcasing the best of the seasons and best of what the local area has to offer. By keeping the menu small and simple we can make the daily dish a true thing of beauty. As stated before, the daily dish will always consist of a main dish served with homemade bread and homemade pickles or ferments including vegan & gluten free variations of the dish. This will be the structure every day, and what our customers will recognise us for by creating anticipation and excitement for the daily dish. The same principle will be applied to the daily cake/cookie offering. Our cookery style will be homely, hearty, wholesome and rustic. While we will be creating dishes reminiscent of cuisines from all corners of the globe our intention is to inject each dish with our own flare or adapting a traditional recipe with what is locally/seasonally available at the time.

I am proud to say we have some excellent suppliers to trade with including Shrub, a wonderful fruit and veg supplier who provide sustainable produce from small farms around the UK. Some of the best and most reasonably priced produce available shipped straight from their beautiful farm to London. This veg will be the star of the show for our lunch offering as well as the well-known London based British cheese supplier Neals Yard. As we won’t be using meat in our cookery, at all, our biggest expenditure for the dishes will be good quality dairy and other speciality goods (e.g., oils, vinegars, grains). While costs remain low through using plant-based products, we can add extra value to each dish with some top-notch dairy and speciality goods of which you don’t need much in each dish to showcase their brilliance.

We will have a low-zero waste policy by using each ingredient to its fullest in many ways, for example.

  • -  using vegetable offcuts for stock for the next day’s lunch offering

  • -  leftover bread for croutons, toasties or breadcrumbs

  • -  dehydrating fruit and vegetables to make garnishes and powders.

  • -  pickling/fermenting/preserving to ensure we savour the best of the season and use up any odds and ends.

These methods will ensure as little waste as possible both sustainable for the planet and the business, gaining as much capitol from purchased ingredients as possible. Harnessing our creativity in our cookery and giving Irma’s a crystal-clear identity worth travelling for. These methods of cookery will filter through into our monthly ticketed supper club, SCRAPS, which will add an extra finesse to our usual cookery, offering our guests an elevated dining experience to remember.

Irma’s will also be sourcing fresh products from local food makers including the likes of Bunhead, a fabulous sourdough bakery specialising in sweet and savoury buns, set to open in Herne Hill within the next couple of months. And potentially Irene Bakery in Brixton village who specialise in all thing’s patisserie.

And finally, I am keen to invite guest chefs to cook for the day or for supper clubs who specialise in different cuisines. Collaborations are a fantastic way to draw in new customers, learn new skills and build excitement. For example, every last Friday of the month we could introduce a guest chef too create and cook a dish for the lunch offering that day. This would be given lots of promotion and sent out on our socials and newsletter. A brilliant way to celebrate London based chefs by showcasing their style of cookery which we can capitalise on.

what’s for eating?


51 Lilford Road



Wed — Sat
8am — 4pm



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